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Free Cue Valuations
If you would like your Cue Valued for Free, Please contact us below with the Cue Specifications and Images of the Cue you would like valued. We have been in the trade a very long time! And im also a Cue, Case and Memorabilia Collector myself for over 30yrs!! So if you have a Old Antique Cue or Newer Cue like a John Parris, Trevor White, Tony Glover etc we are here to help you. I am also very good friends with most of the Top Cue and Memorabilia Collectors! So if i need a second opinion i will contact them also for you to try and get the most accurate valuation possible. We also Buy Cues, Leather Cue Cases & Memorabilia, So if you have items we are looking for we would also purchase them from you. Please email us at: